
Fetal Bovine Serum

The product brand directory

Fetal Bovine Serum(France Origin)
  • BiowestBrand:
  • S1820-100Cat No:
  • 100 mlSize:
  • Inquiry Price:

Fetal Bovine Serum(France Origin)

Biowest has been certified by EDQM and ISO 9001 version 2008.Each batch of FBS is rigorously controlled. All sera are tested for absence of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, fungi, yeast, mycoplasma and virus(BVD, IBR, PI3). The endotoxin level and concentration of haemoglobin is determined by quantitative test and passes quality control. The ability to support in vitro growth of cell lines is verified by important performance criteria.Serum of Biowest is ideal supplement for cell culture.


FBS, France Origin


Traceable to source. Triple 0.1 micron filtration.

Storage and Stability:



Fetal bovine serum is widely used in cell culture, providing necessary nutrient substance and growth factors to support in vitro growth of specific cell lines.

Product Literature:


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